Social Policy
Social Policy
Contributing to the societies in which we work is of primary importance to the board of Chariot. It is essential that the company conducts its operations in such a way as to minimise the potential impact from our activities and deliver positive outcomes in the communities in which we operate.
Chariot’s goals are to:
- Provide the necessary resources in the form of finance, equipment, personnel, training and time to implement this policy and to further develop and actively promote our social commitments through visible leadership at all levels.
- Comply with applicable social laws, regulations, and good international industry practices.
- Ensure that all potential adverse social impacts are identified, assessed and avoided and when they cannot be avoided, minimised or duly compensated. Avoid or minimise any requirement for physical or economic displacement resulting from our projects. Develop appropriate mitigation, compensation and resettlement plans for loss of assets.
- Avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts and take all feasible steps so that our operations are not directly linked through our business relationships to adverse impacts on human rights.
- Establish suitable platforms to share all requisite information regarding our operations with different stakeholders, including local communities, and promote dialogue and constructive engagement.
- Devise and implement transparent and fair grievance mechanisms for the communities in which we operate and for our workforce. Ensure that grievances are recorded, investigated and responded to in a timely manner.
- Work with all interested parties to enhance the social and economic benefits of our projects to local communities and host countries by maximising the recourse to local employment and local supplies of goods and services.
- Honour internationally accepted labour standards as defined by the International Labour Organisation, ensuring non-discriminatory and equal opportunity employment practices.
- Engage with local communities, their representatives and other stakeholders to support projects and initiatives that benefit the communities and countries in which we operate.
- Strive to preserve cultural heritage in every jurisdiction in which we operate and manage all impacts, where they occur, in close consultation with national cultural heritage specialists.
- Support and respect the rights of indigenous communities within the scope of our operations.
- Manage the social, health, environmental and economic impacts associated with project related influx of people.
- Use our leverage and influence with business partners to promote high standards of social performance; Ensure that contractors are aware of and comply with our social policies and standards and, where necessary, work with our contractors to raise their standards to meet our requirements; and
- Identify and work towards social performance objectives and targets that are regularly reviewed to promote continual improvement
Honouring these commitments is key to establishing Chariot’s good standing in the jurisdictions in which it operates, and to managing operations efficiently. Helping to fulfil these goals is the responsibility of everyone who works for Chariot with full support from directors, staff, partners, and contractors.
This policy will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.